How to deliver influencer campaigns that pack a punch
5 December 2023
Watch our insight session on how to succeed at influencer marketing for destination brands. Using examples from brands such as Japan House London, Serpentine, KidZania and Adventure Cinema we share the latest insight and advice on to help your campaigns deliver.
Our 45min session covers the key areas you need for success. The top six take aways are below. If you find this insight helpful and would like to be invited to future sessions join our mailing list.
Let us help you: We help brands like yours succeed at influencer marketing by providing training, campaign strategy and delivery. If you’d like to learn more about our work or discuss a challenge and see if we can help, contact Will Kallaway.
Top six take aways:
Win on social search: Your customers are using social channels when they look for brands like yours with some age groups using social search more often than established search engines such as Google. This means your influencer marketing is fundamental to help you compete with your competition by ensuring your brand ranks well on social search and helps potential customers understand your offer. As our example with KidZania illustrates, when done well this can help your brand reach millions of people and directly drive new customer acquisition.
Authenticity trumps follower numbers: Do not be tempted to reach for the chequebook to secure a ‘big name’ influencer. In our experience the most impactful influencers are authentic fans of either your brand or your subject who have an audience with the same interests, who trust them and follow their advice. Work with these influencers in a manner that creates quality content, builds a genuine relationships and fosters interest for your brand to their audiences.
Integrate for impact: Influencer marketing should not stand alone. Integrate into your wider marketing so your brand positioning, messaging and audience targeting is joined up and well planned across all channels. Do this through our six step planning process and link into your paid media such as Behaviour Influencer Amplification which turns social content into highly successful paid adverts across traditional media channels, as our campaign for Adventure Cinema highlights.
Consistency beats silver bullets: Influencer marketing can deliver quick results and is very useful when you’re chasing your customer numbers or seasonal peaks like Christmas. For greater impact over the long term do two things. First, run influencer marketing consistently so you’re always growing your social media followers, increasing brand engagement and driving sales over time. Second, amplify and adjust your influencer activity when you need to so you can reach new audiences or profile a new offer. This works well for attractions, as our example of with Japan House London shows, but also works well in other sectors. For example, if you’re a luxury home developer in the UK your influencer marketing should be consistently reaching people interested in luxury living in the UK. But when you launch a new development which focuses on a different offer (e.g. sustainable living or older age living) then orientate your influencer marketing accordingly.
Sweat the details for cut through: Creation details such as having a content first approach and providing ‘immersive’ experiences to controlling paid collaborator’s in-video text all fundamentally impact in how effective your campaign will be. Plus you need to work in way that keeps you the right side of the Advertising Standards Authority, even if you’re paying influencers. Follow our insight to help you succeed.
Test, measure, evolve: Influencer marketing can and should be measured effectively. Campaigns delivered via our six step process will deliver measurable results across outputs, outcomes and impact. We unpack these three areas in the session so you can better understand the impact you’re having on your channels, the interest and engagement in your brand and ultimately the commercial return you’re delivering.
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If you’d like to learn more about our work or discuss a challenge and see if we can help, contact Will Kallaway